

Products and services provided by Divante can help you deal with any issues you might have and give your revenue a boost. We use proven technologies and innovative open-source solutions created by our R&D.

Where to start?

Let’s start with a conversation. Let us know what your challenges are, and our consultants will share with you insights and strategies on how to efficiently achieve your goals.

Not sure what your needs are?

Start with our problem defining services

eCommerce development

To build a solid eCommerce business, you need a reliable, safe, and efficient platform. We combine new technologies to deliver a system perfectly suited for your needs.

  • Magento development

    We've delivered hundreds of Magento projects. Let's see how it suits the needs of your business.

    Learn more about Magento
  • commercetools

    If you need a powerful omnichannel solution to bring together all your eCommerce processes, commercetools can cover all of them. It's a perfect foundation to build your system on.

    Learn more about commercetools
  • Shopware

    Divante provides a comprehensive implementation of products from the Shopware portfolio of solutions such as Shopware 6, Shopware PWA and others.

    Learn more about Shopware
  • Shopify Plus (powered by Brand Active)

    The solution for those entrepreneurs who think about international sales without restrictions or barriers.

    Learn more about Shopify Plus
  • Headless commerce solutions

    Headless architecture gives you a fast, agile, and scalable solution that you can quickly and efficiently optimize for your users.

    Learn more about Headless Commerce
  • Marketplace development

    We leverage VTEX and Mirakl because they’re great platforms to build online marketplaces and dropshipping solutions at any scale.

    Learn more about Marketplace development

AI for eCommerce

The rapid development of AI solutions opens thrilling opportunities for eCommerce businesses. It promises fit-for-purpose digital tools that improve companies’ efficiency and add value for customers. But navigating this complex landscape can be overwhelming without the right guidance.  

  • AI Sprint

    Prepare your eCommerce activities for the AI revolution. Generate and validate ideas quickly and effectively. 

    Learn more about AI Sprint


You can get much more than just a boxed product. We've built many of our solutions from scratch and can tailor them to your needs.

  • SAP Spartacus

    SAP Spartacus is an excellent progressive web app (PWA) storefront for your SAP Commerce Cloud.

    Learn more about SAP Spartacus
  • Open Loyalty

    Open Loyalty is a flexible headless solution that will help you build custom loyalty programs to wow your users.

    Learn more about Open Loyalty
  • Click & Collect Accelerator

    Want to build a simple and effective omnichannel shopping process? Here's a tool for a seamless process for buying online and collecting orders at a store.

    Learn more about Click & Collect Accelerator
  • Pimstar

    There’s never been a better time for innovative 3D and augmented reality features for your eCommerce. Pimstar integrates with product information management (PIM) solutions to display impressive 3D product models for your customers.

  • OneBot

    You can use OneBot to deliver engaging shopping experiences. It’s a modular tool for AI-based conversational commerce for B2B.

    Learn more about OneBot

Custom development

If your company has unique processes and integrating pre-made solutions isn’t enough, we’ve got your back. We’ll build custom software for you that enhances and leverages your competitive advantages.

PWA development

Progressive web apps provide your mobile users a great user experience. They’ll help your customers overcome the challenges of
shopping on small screens.

  • Progressive web apps

    You can get a custom PWA built from scratch that perfectly fits your system.

    Learn more about PWA development
  • Vue Storefront development

    Vue Storefront was born at Divante. We're proud to share one of the most popular eCommerce PWA solutions with the world.

    Learn more about Vue Storefront
  • SAP Spartacus development

    Your SAP eCommerce needs a scalable and quick PWA storefront that will deliver outstanding performance and user experience. We've built SAP Spartacus for this purpose.

    Learn more about SAP Spartacus

Loyalty solutions

Acquiring new customers is becoming increasingly expensive. With a loyalty system, you can acquire new customers and generate new turnover through, for example, referral campaigns.

  • A loyalty reward program for the oil & gas industry

    The upcoming years will transform the oil & gas industry, hitting it hard and cutting revenue streams. You want to pivot and adapt. We can help.

    Learn more about loyalty solutions

Not sure what your needs are?

Start with our problem defining services

Got a question?

Well, we’ve got plenty of answers. Let’s get in touch and discuss your needs.
