Innovative eCommerce Newsletter

Your monthly recap of the most important things that are happening in eCommerce curated by Divante eCommerce experts.

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Experts quotes

Ideas, insights, news, and stories exclusively for our subscribers.

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Blog posts

The latest articles from our blog and the best pieces from the archive.

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Invites for our free sessions and partner events. First row guaranteed.

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Access to our eCommerce library with over 20 publications.

See what’s happening at the forefront of eCommerce

Our team never stops analyzing the newest eCommerce trends. We’ve created some of them ourselves by building solutions like Vue Storefront, Open Loyalty, SAP Spartacus, and Predicty for Facebook.

Every month, you’ll see what we’re excited about. It'll be just the most important issues and opportunities with all the noise and buzz filtered out.

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A sample newsletter


We’re happy to announce that our newsletter has been transformed into a new format. Look at the shiny new design! Clean and nice, isn’t it?

Stay up to date with eCommerce trends and technologies

We won’t let you miss anything.
