Who uses SAP Spartacus? Part 1

Care to share?

SAP Spartacus 1.0 was released in July 2019 and now we are waiting for version 3.0 to be released soon. The project is getting mature but which online players are already using the technology? In the new series of articles, we’ll be looking at who uses SAP Spartacus and checking out some examples.

As with any open-source project, it is impossible to know exactly how many SAP Sparacus integrations are out there. As far as I know, SAP itself does not have an official list of Spartacus-based projects, so I started researching who uses SAP Spartacus myself 😎.


How do I know which Spartacus Storefront implementations actually exist? Firstly, I’ve already led a few Spartacus training courses for SAP Commerce implementation partners. Secondly, there is a huge interest and demand for Spartacus OpenSAP courses (check out my previous blog post). Thirdly, I actively work as a developer in a B2B Spartacus implementation project (Yes! We do implement B2B before Spartacus supports it out of the box!).

Finally, there is a large Spartacus developers community gathered under the Spartacus Public Slack workspace. There are more than 2,000 users there, asking and replying to lots of questions every day. If you want to know who uses SAP Spartacus, this is the best place to start as many of them are working actively on Spartacus projects.

A lot of development is, therefore, going on out there right now. Some projects are already live but people haven’t shared their successes publicly yet (except for KPS Digital). From my own research, here are some other SAP Spartacus implementations you should know about.

The Body Shop

KPS Digital recently announced that they’ve launched a new The Body Shop site based on Spartacus 2.0. It looks like it reuses a lot of out-of-the-box Spartacus B2C functionality. The site is currently launched in a few countries and is planned to cover over 60 in time. 

SAP on Spartacus

Who uses SAP Spartacus? SAP, of course! During my research, I found that SAP is actually using Spartacus in the SAP App Center. It seems to be a pretty customized version of a B2C Storefront as this is not a retail shop with physical products but a marketplace with software. The page layout looks nothing like the out-of-the-box implementation; it uses a lot of custom components as well as custom authorization flow. The page works quite fast and represents a real mobile-first approach. It’s definitely worth checking out ;)


The official LEGO website in Dubai & Abu Dhabi uses Spartacus. I’m curious why only this region uses Spartacus but maybe they plan to migrate other regions step by step. This implementation is still running Spartacus 1.x. It is rather standard B2C implementation with some customizations. It’s another example of a good-looking and cleanly functioning website.

Stay tuned for more…

These are just three examples that I wanted to show you as a starter. Stay tuned for the next installment, in which I’ll write about some Spartacus B2B implementations and other interesting storefronts. Perhaps you also know some implementations worth mentioning in this series? If so, please contact me and let me know ;)

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Published October 5, 2020