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7 IT skills every eCommerce manager needs to succeed

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In the fast-paced world of eCommerce, finding ways to stand out from the crowd can often feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. But if there's one thing that sets successful eCommerce managers apart, it's their IT skills.  

Yes, that's right: understanding IT isn't just for tech gurus or software engineers. It's becoming increasingly critical for anyone in the eCommerce world, and managers are no exception. 

Whether you're already navigating the exciting landscape of eCommerce or looking to dive in, the right set of IT skills can turn the tide in your favor. Think about successful businesses like Amazon or Shopify. Behind those streamlined, conversion-friendly web pages and seamless customer experiences are teams with a robust set of IT skills. 

In this article, we'll explore the top seven IT eCommerce manager skills needed to not just survive, but thrive, in this dynamic industry. This isn't just another listicle but a detailed guide with real-world examples and actionable steps to help you master these skills and elevate your eCommerce game. 

The importance of IT Skills in eCommerce 

In the fast-paced world of eCommerce, IT skills are far from just nice to have. They’re critical to the seamless operation and ultimate success of any online enterprise. But it's not just about fixing website bugs or tweaking the user interface. A deep understanding of IT can catapult your eCommerce venture to new heights. 

Take a leaf out of Amazon's book. A significant part of their global success lies in the user-friendly interface that resonates with millions of users worldwide. This isn't just by chance, but the result of a dedicated team of IT professionals that are constantly working to improve and maintain this crucial customer touchpoint. 

The benefits of IT proficiency don't stop there. It's also the key to unlocking the power of data analysis. Look at industry leaders like ASOS and Zappos. They've harnessed customer data to fine-tune their marketing tactics and customize the customer journey, resulting in a tangible boost to their sales. 

Leaner operations and a more prosperous eCommerce store 

Now, let's shift focus to the seasoned managers in eCommerce. For them, a strong grasp of IT has a multitude of benefits. A thorough understanding of IT helps in effective team communication and leads to a more productive working atmosphere. Managers can better appreciate the roles of their team members, and this fosters a harmonious working environment. 

Additionally, having these IT skills in your arsenal as a manager allows you to plan and allocate tasks more effectively. You can set practical timeframes to ensure that everyone is on the same wavelength and working towards the same objectives. This will lead to fewer roadblocks and the smoother execution of projects. 

Additionally, a profound understanding of IT helps in resource management. You can identify the right tools for your business and use them to their fullest potential. This equals leaner operations and, in the end, a more prosperous eCommerce store.  

7 IT eCommerce manager skills that are essential 

As we delve deeper into the world of eCommerce management, there are certain IT skills that have proven to be more beneficial than others. In the upcoming section, we'll unveil the essential seven IT skills that can empower you to navigate the dynamic terrain of eCommerce like a pro. 

A deep understanding of eCommerce platforms 

Having your finger on the pulse of leading eCommerce platforms is crucial. Familiarity with Magento, Shopify, commercetools, Shopware, and others provides insight into their unique architectures, key features, and back-end infrastructures.  

eCommerce giants usually leverage their custom-built platforms to deliver a seamless shopping experience. As an eCommerce manager, the ability to manipulate and customize these platforms can be your secret weapon for meeting specific business needs. 

Data analysis 

Data is the new gold in the eCommerce world. Knowing how to interpret customer data and analytics can pave the way for strategic decision-making. Familiarity with tools like Google Analytics and Excel, even SQL, can help.  

Just look at how ASOS uses data analysis to tailor personalized recommendations. In turn, this boosts their sales. 

Cybersecurity knowledge 

In an era of increasing digital threats, a fundamental understanding of cybersecurity principles is non-negotiable. It's essential to protect your customer data and transactions from common threats.  

Consider how companies like Shopify employ stringent security measures to safeguard their customer's information. It's a trust-building exercise with the customer at its core. 

Knowledge of SEO 

Visibility is key in the crowded digital marketplace, and that's where SEO shines. Understanding SEO can dramatically improve your site's visibility, which drives more traffic and increases sales.  

Effective ​SEO strategies​ can propel a business to the top of search engine results. This is one of the coveted shortcuts to increased conversion numbers. 

UX/UI competence 

The importance of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design can't be overstated. Good design, like that seen in Yope’s online store, ensures a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience, which is instrumental in customer conversion and retention. 

Basic programming knowledge 

While you don't need to be a coding wizard, a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can be incredibly beneficial. It enables you to troubleshoot issues, understand the capabilities of your site, and, most importantly, communicate effectively with your technical team. 

Project management skills 

The world of eCommerce is dynamic and requires you to juggle multiple projects at once. Familiarity with Agile, Scrum, or other project management methodologies can help streamline these IT-related projects. Companies like Spotify are known for their agile practices that enable them to rapidly respond to changes and continuously improve their services. 

Upskilling: where and how to learn these skills 

​If you're wondering where to start upskilling, don't fret. There's an abundance of resources right at your fingertips! ​​  

  • Online learning platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and edX offer a wealth of courses in eCommerce management, data analysis, cybersecurity, and even basic programming. 
  • Google provides a free course on their platform for mastering Google Analytics, and Codecademy is a brilliant place to start if you're looking to dip your toes into HTML, CSS, or JavaScript. 
  • Workshops are another fantastic way to expand your knowledge. Meetup often lists local and virtual workshops that can provide hands-on experience in everything from SEO to Agile project management. 

When it comes to certifications, there's an array of options out there.  

  • Magento offers a range of certifications to validate your skills on its platform.  
  • Similarly, the Project Management Institute (PMI) provides a host of certifications, like Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM), which could boost your project management skills. 

Additionally, UX/UI principles can be learned through specialized platforms like Interaction Design Foundation or Nielsen Norman Group. They offer courses designed by industry experts. You can also pursue a business technology degree, but be aware that formal education is a significantly bigger time investment. 

Lastly, never underestimate the power of self-learning. Blogs, podcasts, and webinars abound with information on the eCommerce industry. Sites like Moz for SEO, Neil Patel for digital marketing, and the Shopify blog for eCommerce tips are great places to start.  

The importance of continuous learning 

The only constant in eCommerce is change. The technology that powers this industry is ever-evolving, and we must keep pace.  

However, it's not just about mastering the list of IT skills today. It's about staying adaptable and hungry for knowledge as the landscape shifts. Why? Because your customers' expectations are evolving with the technology. 

So, how do you keep your IT skills sharp and relevant? There's no one-size-fits-all answer, but there are strategies that work.  

First off, make learning a regular part of your routine. Set aside dedicated time each week for upskilling be it through an online course, a webinar, or even a relevant podcast episode. 

Next, embrace a mindset of curiosity. Follow industry leaders and influencers on social platforms, subscribe to eCommerce newsletters, or join industry forums and discussions. A platform like LinkedIn can be an amazing resource because of countless professionals sharing insights and updates on the latest in eCommerce tech. 

Finally, apply what you learn. The most effective learning is experiential, so use your day-to-day work as a living laboratory for your new skills. Trying to grasp data analysis? Apply it to your customer data. Learning about UX/UI? Test out new design strategies on your site. 

Wrapping up 

In the rapidly changing eCommerce landscape, continuous learning is more than a necessity: it's your superpower. This industry doesn't just demand proficiency in IT skills; it rewards mastery. As an eCommerce manager, refining your technical skills is about future-proofing your career, staying competitive, and leading in innovation. 

But remember, it's not just about keeping up with changes, it's about anticipating them. Staying current with trends, understanding emerging tools, and constantly improving your skills are all part of this thrilling journey. Each new concept you master isn't just another notch on your professional belt; it's a stepping stone toward success in a dynamic industry. 

So, embrace lifelong learning. See each change as a learning opportunity and every challenge as potential for growth. It's the commitment to continuous learning that truly sets the great apart and propels your career forward. 


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Anita Sambol Baniček With years of experience as a content strategist and creator, Anita has the 'superpower' of being a clear human voice for brands when talking to their audience. One of the projects she currently enjoys the most is being a content associate at EU Business School. If you are curious about how to pitch yourself for a job or what can you do with an MBA in international marketing, she is the person to talk to. 


Published July 20, 2023