Group 80

Heading for the future with headless commerce

A short guide for building future-proof eCommerce architecture.

Group 85
Comprehensive guide

Headless commerce explained from different perspectives.

Case study: Yope

A new, modern eCommerce shop for a leading natural cosmetics company.

Checklist: composable commerce project

An article from Reinhard Joswing, Head of Technology at Divante.

Group 5-2
3 headless scenarios

How you can build composable architecture using Shopware 6 and Shopware PWAs.

What's inside?

You'll find out what headless commerce is, what the differences compared to traditional architecture are, and the advantages of this approach. We'll show you how to combine Shopware 6 and Shopware progressive web apps (PWAs) to create headless architecture with three real-life examples.

You'll also see how Divante and Yope increased conversion by 70% because of the new eCommerce implementation. We'll help you follow that path with a composable commerce checklist by Reinhard Joswig, Head of Technology at Divante.

Group 81-1

Shopware is the leading eCommerce solution provider in Germany and is used by some of Europe's biggest brands, retailers, and manufacturers in the B2C and B2B sectors.

As a forward-thinking, open-source solution, Shopware gives merchants the freedom to develop growth potential quickly and easily with more flexibility and less complexity. Over 100,000 companies already rely on a Shopware solution today.

Download and start reading

Group 84