Taking promotions to the next level with Talon.One, commercetools, and Vue Storefront

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Talon.One is the first headless tool for managing promotions that I’ve come across. It supports customer loyalty programs, referrals, geofencing, coupons, bundles and much more. And it turns out it’s one of the most flexible and scalable products in this space.

Since 2015, Talon.One has grown into the leading promotions software for businesses operating all around the world. Talon.One’s founders decided that they wanted to build the holy grail for digital promotions. And, judging by their impressive list of customers and technology partners, they’ve succeeded.

Now, Talon.One provides an all-in-one headless application that allows customers to build promotions for any occasion. Its customization options are virtually unlimited, and it can be integrated with any eCommerce business through its powerful set of APIs.

Listen to the talk with Christoph, the CEO of Talon.One, about the challenges of building a successful enterprise software startup.

Manage promotions the headless way

Building promotions can be difficult, especially when you have to accommodate complex business logic and future scalability. Any successful promotions platform will, sooner or later, have to overcome hurdles when handling many thousands of orders per hour.

Talon.One is doing just great in this regard thanks to its headless, performance-optimized architecture. I’d say it’s one of the main reasons MACH compliant products will always win against all-inclusive platforms. It’s their focus on the finer details, and business domain optimization, that makes the difference.

Alongside the flexibility of the Rule Engine (the heart of the Promotion Engine), Talon.One provides developers with super flexible REST APIs and Webhooks for real-time integrations.

This solution will fit practically any eCommerce business that wants to go headless or composable. Talon.One is also open to innovations, requests and modifications based upon individual customer needs.

At the moment, Talon.One is the only true headless promotion platform on the market. It allows you to build complex rules and effects, with a friendly user experience (UX) and intuitive user interface (UI) at the same time.

Talon.One campaigns let merchandisers manage their overall budgets, generate coupons, and even set up customer wallets to store points and badges. This opens the platform up for a huge variety of use cases. You can set up campaigns that make use of loyalty programs, referral programs, geofenced real-time promotions, bundles, and, of course, the classic cart- or catalog-related discounts.

Integration with commercetools and Vue Storefront Next

Talon.One, naturally, works great in the whole variety of eCommerce settings. Thanks to its API-first, headless architecture, it sits perfectly alongside commercetools. After some work from developers to get things up and running, Talon.One can be fully integrated with commercetools and Vue Storefront Next. Once complete you’ll get a seamless eCommerce user experience and a powerful solution for selling online.

First, you need to take the commercetools APIs and hook them into the checkout to adjust prices. The user can then automatically apply their wallets and any suitable promotions. Then, cart items and relevant promotions are sent to the front end. Here Vue Storefront allows you to customize your final appearance with its Storefront UI design system.


Here you can see an example of promotion rules managed by Talon.One displayed within the Vue Storefront frontend (both are integrated with commercetools).

If you need this kind of integration, contact us! Through Divante’s partnership with Talon.One and commercetools, we can help customers of both platforms complete their integrations.

Published May 5, 2021