Spartacus 3.0 – B2B features

Care to share?

SAP Spartacus 3.0 brought us a new set of B2B features. I’ve mentioned that briefly in my previous blog post. Now, I’m going to dive a little bit deeper into this. This post is less technical and more business-oriented than my usual posts.

Organization management

The biggest B2B feature in Spartacus 3.0 is organization management, also known as “My Company.”. It allows you to manage units, users, cost centers, budgets, purchase limits, and user groups.

organization management
My Company admin panel

The UI for managing each of these entities is unified and based on lists and details cards wrapped within a so-called “split view.” Split view is a new component in Spartacus 3.0 to display hierarchical data in a friendly way. I’m aware that it’s hard to imagine what it is from this description, so it’s better for you to take a look at the  GIF I’ve prepared.

Spartacus 3.0
A GIF is worth a thousand pictures. A picture is worth a thousand words. Thus, a GIF is worth a million :)

Order approval

The main purpose of organization management is to set up the configuration for the order approval process. The complex logic for the order approval process lays on the Commerce side. Spartacus is only a user-friendly interface for managing it. An order approval dashboard is a place where orders can be approved or rejected.

Order approval

The user in charge of approving orders sees why the order needs approval and can decide whether to approve or reject the order. Along with rejection or an approval, the user has to add a comment that is passed on to the user that issued this order.


B2B checkout

The B2B checkout process is very similar to the one known from Spartacus B2C. Technically, it reuses some of its components, adds new ones, and provides a special configuration.

The first step of the default B2B checkout process is the payment method selection. Here, the user can specify whether to pay with a credit card or on the account. Selecting the second option triggers required checks in the backend and may start the order approval process. Additionally, a user can specify the purchase order number for further reference.

B2B checkout

In the shipping address step, a user can select a cost center and shipping address available for the given business unit the user is in.

shipping address step

Replenishment order

The last feature I’m going to cover in this article is order replenishment. It’s a common case in B2B that we’d like to order the same goods periodically. Spartacus is here to support this scenario. In the last step of the B2B checkout, we can specify that we want this order to be a replenishment order and how often it should be reordered.

Replenishment order

Of course, we can manage our replenishment orders later on, too.

manage our replenishment orders


Spartacus 3.0 adds some B2B features to Spartacus. I know that it might seem that this is only the tip of the iceberg, but I believe that the basic building blocks are here, and the next features will come faster.

If you’re interested in more details about Spartacus B2B or you’d like to learn how to work with Spartacus B2B, don’t hesitate to contact me. As far as I know, my online training is the only one on the market that includes Spartacus 3.0 and Spartacus B2B.

Published February 16, 2021