Seamless integration for Talon.One and commercetools

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One of the most important features of commertools is it’s extensibility. It’s an API-only solution, and you can easily connect it to external services through the Integration Marketplace. Talon.One's commercetools connector is one of the newest additions to that set.

Integrating Talon.One with commercetools

The integration allows you to integrate the Talon.One Promotion Engine into your commercetools commerce platform.  This lets you leverage Talon.One’s flexible promotional marketing campaigns in your eCommerce.

It’s a plug-and-play integration module that covers almost all available promo scenarios. It’s also a blueprint project built in open source, so any time you need to, you can simply adjust it to your specific needs.

Here’s how it works: how it works


Talon.One's commercetools connector is a standalone integration microservice implemented as a serverless function. It’s built with technologies such as:

  1. Node.js
  2. Serverless framework
  3. AWS Lambda

Thanks to that stack, it interacts with commercetools through a standard API and can be used with any kind of front-end implementation. You can use Vue Storefront, Frontastic, and even custom built front ends integrated with commercetools.

Divante is also working on the Talon.One and Vue Storefront integration. More details soon.

Two sides of the integration

Our integration consist of two main parts:

  1. commercetools API Extension. This needs to be registered in commercetools and is responsible for the entire exchange of data between commercetools and Talon.One.
      1. Pushing events from commercetools to Talon.One
      2. Fetching and processing effects in commercetools from Talon.One. 

    Processing means transforming Talon.One effects into standard commercetools functionality and objects. For example, the “Add free item” effect in TalonOne will be transformed into a new CustomLineItem with price 0 in the commercetools cart. All effect transformations are described in the project documentation link.

  2. Migration tool. This allows you to migrate your current customers’ data in commercetools. It’s especially helpful for those who are currently running on commercetools and decided to integrate with Talon.One later on.

Supported features

Supported Talon.One features and effects

  1. Coupons
  2. Referrals
  3. Free items
  4. Discounts
  5. Discount per item
  6. Notifications
  7. Loyalty

Supported commercetools features

Custom field mapping from commercetools to Talon.One for entities such as:

  1. Customer
  2. Cart
  3. Cart line item


By using Talon.One's commercetools connector, you can seamlessly integrate the Talon.One promotion engine and its most useful features with the eCommerce engine from commercetools. It’s an easy way to get access to flexible promotional marketing campaigns that can increase your sales.

Published July 26, 2021