JavaScript, PWA and … SEO

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Progressive Web Apps are probably one of the best moves for improving the conversion rate and User Experience of your customers. Using JavaScript as a PWA framework provides the best possible user experience, but it also leaves questions about how to create a crawler-friendly JS application.

With PWAs, you get native-like interactions, push notifications, and home-screen installation. But it’s only part of the picture. In addition, distribution is much easier with standard web-like linkability, shareability – and no-app-store distribution.

Learn more in The Beginners Guide to PWA.

From a technical point of view, PWAs are a kind of Single Page Application – JavaScript apps that run within the browser environment, and therefore don’t need to be downloaded or installed.

By its nature, 90% of a PWA is purely JavaScript. Most of the time, developers choose some modern JS frameworks like React, Vue or Angular to provide the user with the best possible experience. But the distribution model is web, for which organic search is vital.

Discover Vue Storefront the best PWA storefront for your eCommerce >

Wait. Organic Search + JavaScript?

The SEO industry isn’t certain if Google treats (and ranks!) JavaScript-based websites and HTML-based sites equally. With this knowledge, it’s clear that SEO and developers are just starting to understand how to make modern JavaScript frameworks crawlable. You may read many tutorials and blog posts on how to create crawler-friendly JavaScript applications. Google is improving with modern web rendering techniques – however, there are still a lot of limitations.

If we look at web development from an evolutionary point of view, you will see how big of a role JavaScript played in this process. We moved from static websites built with plain HTML to dynamic JavaScript applications.

Google has many limitations in JavaScript execution. Other Search Engines don’t process JS at all. However, it doesn’t mean that we can’t build shiny, interactive websites with modern frameworks that work for the search engines too! – Maria Cieślak – Senior Technical SEO, Onely

JavaScript SEO challenges

We’ve asked experts from the Onely SEO agency about their findings and recommendations regarding PWA SEO techniques.

After conducting a series of experiments with the modern JS frameworks vs Google, the findings they presented are really interesting:

1. The fate of Chrome 41

Google parses and renders JS but with heavy limitations – it uses a headless browser based on Chrome 41 (2015’) … If you’re using modern Ecma Script specifications (as most devs currently are) your JS probably should use a lot of shims/fallbacks to provide the same code/links structure to the Googlebot. The worst part is – it’s hard to say which elements will be successfully interpreted and indexed by Google, and which will not.

Unfortunately for PWA app developers, in Chrome 41, interfaces like IndexedDB and WebSQL are disabled. The interfaces are most commonly used for providing your users with offline support.

2. Googlebot is not a browser

The World Wide Web is huge though, so Google optimizes its crawlers for performance. This is why Googlebot sometimes doesn’t visit all the pages the webmasters want.

Most importantly, Google’s algorithms try to detect if a resource is necessary from a rendering point of view. If not, it probably won’t be fetched by Googlebot.

Onely’s experiments show that Google crawler does not wait longer than 5 seconds for any resource to be downloaded/rendered. Moreover, it could “optimize” your app behavior by not respecting (still pretty common) setTimeout() calls, etc.

Googlebot is not a browser

Here the Google Indexer just omitted the script and rendered the rest of the page. Source: Onely blog.

3. Googlebot doesn’t click anything

You should make sure whether or not a menu is apparent in the DOM before clicking on any menu items. If you rely on the onClick event, it can stop the browser from indexing your website structure.

4. Feel the flow

The indexation flow for classical HTML and JS apps differs strongly; to index JS apps Googlebot requires lot more resources and time. Google officially stated that “The rendering of JavaScript-powered websites in Google Search is deferred until Googlebot has resources available to process that content.

Feel the flow

Source: Google I/O ’18

These are just a few examples of the pitfalls you may encounter when working with your app SEO. You can learn many more details about how JavaScript apps are indexed by reading “Ultimate guide to JavaScript SEO”.

SEO techniques in PWAs

OK, so let’s check how we can deal with the JavaScript SEO challenges based on our own case study.

Vue Storefront is a standalone Progressive Web App storefront for your eCommerce, able to connect with any eCommerce backend (eg. Magento, Pimcore, Prestashop or Shopware) through the API. It’s made using the Vue.js framework – and yes it’s SPA (Single Page Application), and yes it works well with Google and other crawlers. You can find more info on our Github.

“Following some good JS SEO practices, Single Page Apps (including Progressive Web Apps) can be crawled, rendered and indexed, meaning that they can be SEO-friendly. For example, looking at one of the most popular websites on the web…YouTube. Yes, YouTube is built with JavaScript (visit the website, switch JavaScript off in the browser, and see what happens) and it ranks very well.

Vue Storefront is built with universal JavaScript. It’s one of the most SEO-friendly solutions recommended by Google.” – Maria Cieślak – Senior Technical SEO, Onely

Win-win situation

Web development tools and techniques are changing – much faster than search engine capabilities to handle all the new features. Google is still using a rendering engine – dating back to 2015 – to render most modern web-applications.

There is a solution. You can separate the content served for the crawler (rendered server-side) from the super-modern CSR (client-side-rendered) version for your users. You can do that. Legally. No consequences ;)


Server-Side Rendering (SSR) is one of the techniques we’ve employed when building Vue Storefront. It’s like building an Isomorphic/Universal Application in which you write one JS code base for the client/server-side rendering.

The biggest advantages:

Universal Application

When you take a look at any of the Vue Storefront URLs – like – and click “View Source”, you can find that Vue Storefront provides the browser with a very unique, custom markup for each and every URL served.

Universal Application

OK, so it looks like 2003’ – classical HTML + CSS. Generated by the JavaScript, server side.

It’s like a classic web application. After the first page is loaded – the app behaves like a typical SPA from the client’s perspective – fetching the data for all subsequent pages using AJAX + Service Workers.

For Googlebot, it is just HTML which allows it to index it the optimal way. For a developer, it is the same code – no matter if it’s rendered client or server side.

SEO-friendly URLs

It’s pretty important to optimize the links structure- not only to avoid the typical SPA hashtag based links (#products instead of /products?) but also to allow the URLs to be customized.

Vue.js provides the developer with the pretty cool mechanism of Vue Router ( where you can add and modify the custom URL/component mappings.

Meta data + Microformats

Starting with Meta tags, microformats, open graph – in eCommerce, it’s good to use them all to improve the content linkability and make sharing easier. Of course, it improves SEO results as well.

The framework you choose should allow developers to work on the template level, creating a highly customized HTML structure. Vue Storefront is based on a templating engine – core structures could be modified, exchanged, removed, etc.

Meta data + Microformats

Vue.js is cool with its system. In the end, templates are compiled to plain JavaScript code (like the React JSX templates, but having much more to offer while being easier to get familiar with for the newbie devs ;))


Server rendering time can also improve your SEO rankings. It was many times officially stated by Google itself and proved by many experiments. The indexing algorithm uses basic information about page-load speed gathered among users. Therefore, optimizing the page load time will increase not only the Conversion Rates but also search rankings.

NoSQL database, caching, and pre-rendering all help keep Vue Storefront SSR time under 0.2s (on the developers env, without optimizations). OK, just wanted to show it off ;)

A shift toward building JavaScript applications is a natural step in web development. If you care about delivering the best user experience (especially to mobile users), a PWA development for ecommerce is what you are looking for. We built Vue Storefront keeping in mind all the limitations that search engines have and our solution adheres to all the best JS SEO practices. As a result, the application is both user and search engine friendly.

Key takeaways for JS SEO

  • A PWA acts like a native app and provides a better user experience. It’s worth developing if you want to increase sales. There are plenty of cases studies to learn how to get started, with Google showcase ending with our TOP 30 Progressive Web Apps Benchmark Study.
  • Search engines can’t smoothly process applications powered by JavaScript. However, it is possible to build an SEO-friendly application.
  • Server-side rendering is the best solution for serving the JavaScript application to the crawlers in a SEO-friendly way.
  • WRS (Web Rendering Service – service used by Google to render the website before indexing) is kind of headless browser; it’s like a very old – 2015’ vintage – Chrome 41 to some extent.
  • It’s far easier to maintain dynamically generated (SSR) HTML markup for the SEO optimizations than to gracefully downgrade the JS caps for the Googlebot to index your app properly.
  • You should make sure your scripts are fast. Make sure your server doesn’t slow down when the host load increases.

Read more on the Onely blog. You can hardly find a better guide to JS indexing.

This article was written by Piotr Karwatka in cooperation with Maria Cieślak from Onely.


Published July 11, 2018