6 ways to use geolocation data to fuel your marketing strategy

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Geolocation data has become an indispensable tool for strategic marketing campaigns. Recent studies show that over 90% of marketers agree that location-based advertising has increased revenue and customer engagement. By leveraging geolocation services and mobile data, marketers can drive greater promotion relevance, boost offline conversions, and understand cross-channel attribution.  

But what exactly is geolocation data, and how can it be used to boost sales and enhance customer experience? Let's explore this in detail.   

What is geolocation data? 

Geolocation data refers to information about a user's or device's geographic location. It provides coordinates and contextual locale information to allow businesses to tailor messaging and experiences based on the user's location. 

Here are some key things to know about geolocation data.   

  • Gathering sources: The data is gathered from various sources, including GPS, WiFi networks, beacons, cell phone towers, IP addresses, and mobile sensors. It helps to identify where a device or user is located. 

  • Types of locations: The locations range from precise GPS coordinates to broader areas, like a city or postal code. 

  • Collection methods: You can collect data from mobile apps, websites, and wireless services that request access to user location data. 

  • Use cases: Once collected, geolocation data enables location-based search results, maps, and targeted advertising. 

However, collecting geolocation data raises privacy concerns due to tracking users' movements. Additionally, compliance with regulations, like GDPR or CCPA, is crucial, especially regarding obtaining user consent and data security. 

Why is geolocation data important for your business? 

Geolocation data allows you to find high-intent leads. With the right strategies, you can use the information to streamline operations, outperform your competitors, and improve footfall. Let's understand these benefits in detail.  

1. Streamline operations 

Geolocation data provides in-depth insights into customer demographics and behavior in different locations. You can use this data to decide on optimal spots for new store openings. On top of that, analyzing purchase patterns by location allows you to make better decisions regarding inventory management, negligence, staffing levels, and service offerings. This leads to more efficient and profitable business operations.  

2. Gain competitive advantage 

Geolocation data enables you to reach customers at the right time and place, like, for example, when they're already out shopping. It also provides insights into granular dynamics, such as regional buyer personas and competitors' physical presence. You can use this to your advantage by positioning your messaging to align with customer preferences.  

3. Enhance customer experience 

You can use geolocation data to offer location-based services and support, such as sending real-time updates on the order status or offering directions to nearby stores or service centers. You can also deliver targeted assistance based on the customer's current location via your mobile app.  

How to fuel your marketing strategy using geolocation data 

Geolocation data can help you find your target audience, run location-based ads, and create personalized shopping experiences. Let's explore these in more detail.  

1. Find your target audience using modern technology  

Leveraging advanced tools like beacon technology can help identify and engage your target audience precisely. This technology enables real-time interaction with customers close to your stores. Beacon devices in brick-and-mortar stores can detect nearby smartphones, collect accurate location data, and send push notifications to engage audiences.  

Another modern technology, IP geolocation API, allows you to create accurate persona profiles, including cross-channel contact and demographic data. They will help companies deliver hyper-targeted content focused on specific market segments and devices, and boost awareness of their products in critical areas. 

 These location-based signals unlock the capability to understand precisely where your customers are, whether across states, cities, postal codes, or individual stores. It also reveals high-demand regions, ideal site locations, and customer migration patterns.  

2. Build location-based ads  

Once you've identified your critical geographic target audiences, leverage this invaluable geographic context to craft targeted ads. Here's how to build compelling location-based ads.  

  • Precisely target your ads to audiences in specific regions, cities, and neighborhoods. 

  • Find and add location-specific keywords to your ads. You can use SE Ranking to find relevant location keywords for your business. Ensure you include keywords like cities, towns, streets, ZIP, and area codes. 

  • Include localized offers, promotions, or discounts relevant to users in specific geographic areas.  

  • Implement dynamic ad campaigns that automatically adjust based on the user's location. 

  • Set up geo-fences around specific locations, such as your store or competitors' premises, to trigger ads when users enter or exit these designated areas.
  • Optimize your ads for mobile devices because users often access location-
    based services and information on their phones.

3. Use mobile advertising 

Mobile advertising is particularly effective in today's digital landscape because people increasingly rely on smartphones for information and entertainment. With mobile ads, businesses can target customers at the right time and place to maximize the impact of their marketing efforts.  

 Here are some tips you should consider: 

  • Create mobile ads on Google and other search engines to target users searching from specific locations. This allows you to promote your business to local audiences actively looking for your products or services. 

  • Implement proximity marketing by sending push notifications to users near your physical stores to drive foot traffic. Offer special discounts or promotions that are only valid in-store. 

  • Partner with navigation apps to promote your locations. Drivers using navigation apps are likely searching for businesses like yours, priming this audience for your ads. 

  • Advertise within weather apps to reach people checking forecasts in your target regions. Weather significantly impacts purchase behavior, so this is a strategic audience.  

Note: To refine your mobile advertising approach, remember to track engagement metrics, like click-through rates and install-to-sales conversion numbers. 

4. Create a personalized shopping experience  

Location data allows you to tailor shopping experiences to customers' preferences and contexts. Here are some ways to leverage this data:  

  • Dynamically serve web experiences to customers based on their location, browsing history, and purchase data. It allows you to showcase the most relevant products and offers. 

  • Generate dynamic QR codes that showcase special deals or product recommendations based on the customer's purchase history and location context. 

  • Build augmented reality experiences that activate when users enter a store. You can overlay personalized product recommendations and special offers on their screens as they explore the premises. 

  • Using beacon technology, identify repeat customers and send push notifications welcoming them back. Then, personalized incentives based on their earlier purchases can be provided.

5. Use micro-moments marketing   

Micro-moments are the critical, intent-driven moments when customers turn to their devices to take action. Identifying critical moments in the customer journey by analyzing time spent at your store locations is essential. Deliver specific content to recap their visits or provide related recommendations post-purchase.  

Using geolocation data is an excellent way to detect your target audience's behavioral triggers, preferences, and weak points in each micro-moment. This will help you build a successful content marketing strategy for all customer journey strategies. 

Test and implement multiple content formats, including videos, social posts, user-generated content, case studies, and ads tailored to micro-moment goals. Those goals include brand awareness, consideration, conversion, etc. Use tools to create and optimize your visual content and ads for better results. 

6. Measure results 

Lastly, measure the results of your digital marketing strategy to understand what works best and what doesn't. Here's how you can do it.   

  • Integrate campaign data with your store traffic data to track footfall lifts from ads to understand their impact on offline conversions. 

  • Survey customers to evaluate ad recall and brand perception lift from location-targeted campaigns vs. non-targeted ads. 

  • Use heatmaps to detect highly trafficked store regions, and link them back to marketing efforts to identify top-performing localized strategies. 

  • Evaluate multi-touch attribution to quantify the customer journey across online and offline interactions influenced by geolocated messaging. 

  • Monitor performance indicators, such as cost per store visit, sales influenced by proximity messages, click-through rates for localized search/display ads, etc. to optimize resource allocation. 

Key takeaways 

Integrating geolocation data into your marketing strategy offers unparalleled opportunities to connect with your target audience on a localized level. Leverage modern technologies like iBeacon and IP geolocation to find your target audience and create location-based ads. Couple it with mobile advertising and micro-moment marketing to boost engagement and enhance customer experience. Lastly, remember to measure your results and optimize your strategy accordingly. 


Published April 26, 2024