External module examples that make Vue Storefront flexible eCommerce PWA

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Vue Storefront, an eCommerce PWA, is built using the headless approach in mind. You can add it to any eCommerce backend via API, but you can also enrich it with 3rd party extensions, available as Vue Storefront modules, and make the online store even flexible and simple to build. Here are the examples!

The concept of Vue Storefront modules was introduced with its 1.6 version. Since then it has evolved and matured. Now each module represents an independent feature available in Vue Storefront with all its logic and dependency sides. Wishlists, reviews, and newsletters are some examples of modules.

Apart from basic eCommerce features, Vue Storefront modules simplifies and shortens integrations with 3rd party solutions, like social media or payments, that are already trusted, and used by users on a daily basis.


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External module examples for Vue Storefront PWA

PayPal Payment Module


PayPal is one of the most popular payment method, used by millions of online stores across the world. Customers know it and use it on a daily basis. Adding it to your eCommerce PWA will simplify the shopping process and increase trust.

The PayPal Payment module is available at github.com/develodesign/vsf-payment-paypal
Check the PayPal Payment module’s implementation case study at www.develodesign.co.uk/news/development-of-the-paypal-module-for-vue-storefront/

Stripe Payment Module

Stripe is another popular payment method for worldwide eCommerce that supports mobile browsers with a specially customized flow for mobile devices. With its flexibility and a complete set of tools, it empowers online businesses of all sizes, and types, from startups to public companies.

The Stripe Payment module is available at github.com/develodesign/vsf-payment-stripe

Braintree Payment Extension

Braintree Payment is a payment platform that delivers various popular solutions in one place. By adding this extension, you can serve your customers’ favorite payment methods including PayPal, Venmo, credit and debit cards, and popular digital wallets like Apple Pay and Google Pay.

The Braintree Payment Extension is available at github.com/danrcoull/vsf-payment-braintree

Web Share module


Web Share might be one of the smallest modules, but it is also one of the most powerful. It allows users to share interesting products and other content available in your eCommerce via Bluetooth, e-mail, communicators and the most popular social media.

The Web Share module is available at github.com/DivanteLtd/vue-storefront/pull/2143

Instagram Feed module


Instagram reached over 5 billion active users daily in 2018 and is the most powerful social media channel for eCommerce, that drives the majority of mobile traffic to online fashion stores. Now with the Instagram Feed module, you can engage users directly in your PWA online store.

The Instagram Feed module is available at github.com/jahvi/vue-storefront-instagram-feed

Check the Instagram Feed module’s implementation case study at itnext.io/how-to-create-an-instagram-feed-module-for-vue-storefront-eaa03019b288

Benefits of the Vue Storefront external modules

Vue Storefront modules bring better extensibility, developer experience, and upgradeability. It is possible to create any 3rd party extension as a module for the server-side API and install it from a separate repository. In the case of updates, you can override or inherit core and theme modules, and keep core updates simple and effortless.

What’s more, they were designed in the format that inspires Vue Storefront partners and contributors to create excellent 3rd party extensions. Therefore, feel free to leverage them in your eCommerce PWA and cater to your users with mobile-first solutions.

Learn more about modules in Vue Storefront at docs.vuestorefront.io/guide/modules/introduction.html

Published January 23, 2019