Vue Storefront – PWA solution for eCommerce platforms

Care to share?

Vue Storefront is one of the leading eCommerce open source solutions, providing a progressive web app for various eCommerce platforms. The project is a massive success and it’s secured by the Open Source community. Here are the numbers behind this project.

[last update: 2018 11 07]

Vue Storefront was initiated at the end of November 2017. In less than a year, we have launched production-ready version 1.0 (May 2018) and Vue Storefront became a part of the one-stop integrated service: Storefront Cloud.

With our partners across the world, we have already had over 20 implementations of Vue Storefront. That includes eCommerce platforms reaching over 10 million users monthly and serving customers with a variety of products in India, Italy, Russia, Singapore, etc.

Storefront Cloud mobile-first eCommerce platform for your eCommerce >

Vue Storefront projects in numbers

Vue Storefront helped our clients to improve metrics crucial for mobile commerce in global business. We present some of these numbers:

  • 60% increase in engagement on mobile devices
  • 90% smaller app than an Android native app
  • 0.12 ms to load the page with Heroku
  • 2s to load on the 2G network
  • 10 mln users a month – the number of users served with the biggest Vue Storefront implementation
  • over 1 mln SKUs – the number of products in the biggest database connected with Vue Storefront
  • 20 – 40 days – the time needed to run a Proof of Concept (check how)

Learn more about business benefits of PWA.

Top 3 Vue Storefront Case Studies

Vue Storefront community in numbers

Since 2017, the project has gathered numerous contributors and partners, giving future Vue Storefront clients the reassurance they need. Thanks to the community’s engagement, we can test and fix code in quite a short time and ensure full transparency of the solution. This is why Vue Storefront is interesting for the biggest eCommerce players.

Vue Storefront Contibutors Map

Vue Storefront community in numbers

  • 800+ developers on Slack
  • 80+ contributors in 18 timezones
  • 30+ official partners
  • 3300+ stars on Github
  • Product of the Day at Product Hunt
  • 2nd most popular Magento repo on Github
  • 7th most popular eCommerce repo on Github

How can you help?

We are still looking for new partners that can provide integrations with different backend platforms.

Stay tuned:

Published November 6, 2018