Open Loyalty: The key functionalities of a headless loyalty solution

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A headless solution can be the first step in reshaping your loyalty program. As we’ve mentioned in our previous article about Open Loyalty, it’s a modern, future-proof approach based on MACH principles, excellent for companies that want to meet their client’s needs. Today, we want to dive even deeper and present Open Loyalty’s most essential features and how they can revolutionize the way you gain, nurture, and increase customer loyalty.

We’ll focus on the benefits of utilizing a headless solution. You’ll learn how Open Loyalty’s functionalities can be a true game changer for any company, regardless of its size, industry, and business model.

Why do we endorse Open Loyalty?

Let’s start with a few words of introduction. We’ve been working with Open Loyalty for some time now, so we can speak from experience that it’s a technologically advanced, innovative product that can support companies in their loyalty efforts. It enables them to leverage and scale their existing loyalty assets while providing flexibility when it comes to customization. The excellent customer experience it provides influences client engagement and boosts profits, helping enterprises reach their goals quicker and more efficiently.

Open Loyalty is the next generation of loyalty programs that doesn’t handle only basic loyalty-related activities. It helps companies build, manage, and grow their own programs that are tailor-made according to their requirements. Thanks to using the headless approach, having modular architecture, and offering world's most robust loyalty program API, Open Loyalty is a universal product for every business.

Its stable, robust code and the simplicity of the implementation process are also praised by users and developers. It decreases the time to market, cuts spending on multiple resources, and can be adjusted to the current needs of a company even when it starts to grow rapidly. For example, if your customers detest registration forms, Open Loyalty allows you to remove this inconvenience and create a program without one. In today’s world, building a brand’s online and offline presence should be customer-centric and highly focused on solving people’s problems. A loyalty system based on Open Loyalty meets those criteria.


A closer look at Open Loyalty’s key functionalities

As a state-of-the-art solution, Open Loyalty represents an approach that is motivated by the individual requirements of their users. They don’t want to give everyone the same thing. They want to give them a base to build on. At the same time, their goal was to achieve a certain level of simplicity to provide everyone with a chance to create their own high-quality, professional loyalty solution.

Let’s start with the overall composition of an Open Loyalty-based solution. Thanks to being an API-first, block-based platform, your loyalty system can be built in a way that suits your customers and your business needs. The basic features you can choose from are:

  • Points
  • Tiers
  • Rewards
  • Referrals
  • Digital wallets
  • Cashback
  • CRM profiling
  • Loyalty cards
  • Coupons
  • Multitenancy

Your eCommerce partner, for example Divante, that will implement the loyalty software for you can mix and match these elements to achieve your company’s goals. Now, let’s see what it looks like when you have the loyalty system in place and you start using it.

Admin panel

After logging into the admin panel of an Open Loyalty solution, you basically gain control over every part of your loyalty programs. It’s thoroughly explained in Open Loyalty Documentation where you can see how you can configure each program. From its name, timezone, communication methods, and other technicalities to rules that indicate how points are distributed between users and when they’re rewarded, everything can be configured according to your needs.


Every program has its own dashboard with several sections where you can change specific settings. Members, Campaigns, Tiers, Points, and Rewards are the main categories to be found after entering it. Also, the main page showcases simple analytics for a general program overview. You can quickly learn how many new members registered with the program, the number of points they earned and used, and more. This is your command center.


This is the module that helps you to understand your customers better. Here you collect, manage, and analyze who they are and what their behaviors are within the loyalty program. You can add new members, remove inactive ones, view the number of points they have, and check how their activities have changed over time. After browsing a specific member, you’ll see various metrics and attributes, including tier, transaction timeline, and personal data. There’s also an option to segment your audience, create custom loyalty events, and manage members’ relationships via the Referred Members section.


The Campaigns functionality is responsible for all the ways users can get rewards. You use it to set up the triggers customers can stumble upon, the parameters they have to meet, and how the rewards are admitted. Campaigns can be direct, referral-related, or can occur on members’ birthdays. Every aspect of a single campaign, like start and end dates, rules, conditions, and effects, can be customized. Also, every campaign can be edited and updated when there’s a need for that. An interesting option is the campaign simulator, where you can determine what reward the members will gain when they meet predefined conditions.


Members in the loyalty program are categorized using tiers. These are groups created based on either the number of points they collected or the value of their trades. As you can probably tell, this section in your Open Loyalty is responsible for creating, editing, and managing your tiers. You can also browse members within each category and move them from one to another. It’s a useful section because it helps to understand who is the most active.


Transferring points between members means you get full control over them. You probably wonder why this feature is even required. Members should do certain activities and get rewarded for them. However, there might be special occasions when you want to send them points manually. For example, to compensate for a delivery delay or to appreciate their active contribution to your business’ growth. All that can be done in the Points section. As in all other sections, you can add, edit, and manage point transfers to make sure everything works according to your requirements.


Users can exchange their collected points for all kinds of rewards ranging from coupons and discounts to material items. Here’s where you set up every reward you want to offer. Besides standard options, like creating and managing rewards, you get one section dedicated to fulfilled rewards that will help you to stay aware of all the prizes given to your clients so far. Every parameter of a reward can be individually adjusted to your preferences and capabilities.

Use Open Loyalty to achieve your loyalty goals

As you can see, every aspect of your loyalty needs can be covered using Open Loyalty and its key functionalities. All parts can be edited to the smallest detail, changed when required, and adjusted to your business’ and customers’ special needs. Thanks to using headless approach, having modular architecture, and offering world's most robust API, Open Loyalty is a universal product for every business. Open Loyalty will take care of the back end, but you need a partner that will develop a usable, robust, and aesthetically pleasing front end.

Divante can be your partner on that journey. We have experience with Open Loyalty implementations and a dedicated customization team that creates unique systems based on Open Loyalty and the business needs of our customers. To get our help, contact us, and let us know what your expectations are regarding a loyalty solution. We’ll prepare a project and be with you every step of the way. Divante is an eCommerce provider that not only creates extraordinary solutions but also acts as a consultant to help your business thrive. Allow our experts to support you, too. Trust Open Loyalty today and become an industry leader when it comes to loyalty programs.

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Published June 26, 2022