Examples of how internships in Divante changed careers

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These are the real-life stories of people who started with an internship in Divante, stayed with the company and, over the years, have developed their careers. What helped them the most during that time? 

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Łukasz Marszałek: from intern to Scrum Master 

Three years ago, Łukasz started working in Divante as a trainee in Magento technology. At the time, he was a third-year student.

“I had the opportunity to have the best leader ever, who taught me a lot. His experience was really important. I felt that this person can support me in every situation and help me when I needed it. He also introduced me to Divante life, where everything was new for me. During that time I was surprised how developers and people at Divante take care of trainees. Experienced developers want to share their knowledge with others.”  – Łukasz Marszałek

Łukasz Marszałek and his Pimconaut friend

Łukasz Marszałek and his Pimconaut friend

Łukasz stayed in Divante after his internship and continued a career as a Junior Developer. Just a few months later, he joined the Pimcore team – a team which soon started to transform into the tribe “Snippety Zagłady”. The tribes model gives a lot of benefits to employees. Łukasz had the chance to experience it.

“It was the beginning of our tribe, so I took part in the process of building a team, creating rules, goals, etc. What an amazing experience! A breakthrough moment for me. Although I didn’t have a lot of experience, I could also decide how our tribe should look in the future.” – Łukasz. 

Łukasz has three years of experience as a developer. Throughout that time, he was able to cooperate with a lot of people, in different types of projects. His tribe masters helped him to develop soft skills, and try a new position at Divante. Three months ago, Łukasz was promoted to Scrum Master in the Apollo Team. 

“I always informed my tribe masters that in addition to being a developer, I would like to cooperate with people and develop the scrum methodology within the tribe. They trusted me and noticed my potential, and indicated me as a person who can create the awesome ApolloTeam. The team consisted of twelve people, all working using the Scrum methodology. Of course, we have encountered a lot of problems, but every day with the team we can inspect and adapt our work process. I am lucky that I met really good and experienced developers on my way. Since the internship, I have developed my technical skills, gained knowledge of PHP, Symfony, Docker, and other technologies. Developers in Divante have a lot of opportunities to contact clients, so I developed myself in this field too. In the “Snippety Zagłady” tribe, we have a dedicated sales group which I am a part of. Thanks to that, I have the possibility to continuously improve my business skills, too.” – Łukasz. 

Marek Mularczyk: from a studying intern to Senior PHP/Magento Developer

Marek started in Divante as an intern in July 2016. Today, he is a Senior PHP/Magento Developer. During these three years, he was not only promoted but at the same time graduated with a master’s degree in computer science from the Wrocław University of Technology.  

“When I came to Divante, my first project was an internal site where I was responsible for new development and maintenance. At that time, I was in the last year of engineering studies in computer science. I relied only on my experience from the university.

The projects which I was participating in taught me a lot about everything that you need to know about web development. It is not only coding but everything around the code: knowledge of , analytics, contact with clients and even some politics. My experience in coding leveled up a lot too, which allows me to contribute to large e-commerce platforms. One of them is Magento, in which I currently specialize and work in projects based on this platform.”
– Marek Mularczyk.

Marek Mularczyk loves working with people in Divante

Marek Mularczyk loves working with people in Divante

When you ask him what he values the most in Divante, his answer is short, and to the point – people. 

“When I came to Divante, I needed help and a kind of mentor who would tell me what to do and which direction I should take. I found such a person in my first Magento project. That was an igniter which helped me obtain the experience and knowledge which I have now.” – Marek.

Maciej Wilk: from micro-enterprise to Project Management

Maciej Wilk is an example of an experienced person who decided to shift his career toward IT, where he had to learn quickly. 

It all started just about a year and a half ago, in April 2018. Maciej started an internship in the Project Management department. That was the beginning of his adventure with e-commerce and project management. His earlier experience involved work in micro-enterprises. Maciej was responsible for many different areas: from logistics through sales and offers to development. We could easily say that he had great professional experience, but none of it was related to Project Management. 

Maciej Wilk is working in the famous A-Team tribe in Divante

Maciej Wilk is working in the famous A-Team tribe in Divante

After finishing the internship and being PMO, Maciej works mostly with projects. He is a full-fledged project manager. 

“During my time at Divante, I had to learn a lot of things. My practical knowledge of project management has increased significantly. Professionalism, quality and work standards applied in Divante allow me to learn in all areas. I had no idea how important paying attention to details can be when it comes to working efficiency. Taking care of meeting agendas or even work organization improves work dramatically. The tribes model was also a new way of working for me. I love the openness to all people, regardless of position. It is something new but very precious to me.” – Maciej Wilk. 

When I asked Maciej what he values the most in Divante, he told me without hesitation: people and the possibility of continuous development. That makes him feel happy at work. Maciej is one of many people who say that there is a great atmosphere in Divante – an atmosphere which helps to easily learn from others, but also spend time together.

Adam Pawliński: starting his journey as an intern in Divante

Adam’s journey with Divante is very short but interesting. Currently, he’s in the middle of a three-month-long internship. 

“My first contact with the brand was on meet.js, probably in February this year. That was the place where Filip Rakowski spoke about the company’s open-source project, Vue Storefront. At first, I thought that it is not for me because I wasn’t interested in e-commerce at that time.” – Adam Pawliński.

What happened to make him change his mind? Sometime later, he met one of his colleagues from his previous workplace. During the conversation, Adam’s colleague told him how much he enjoys working in Divante. The company was opening an internship program at that time, so he sent an application. The recruitment process was short and concrete. Adam received an invitation to join the internship program, and began his work from the first of July. 

Adam Pawliński is just starting his career in Divante

Adam Pawliński is just starting his career in Divante

“The first impressions are very nice – especially in comparison with my previous workplaces. I can really appreciate the openness of the people and the fact that you can count on more experienced developers to help you with everyday tasks. I have years of experience in a financial company. In that place of work, the culture is much more official. Everything must be strictly in accordance with the procedures. In Divante, I can feel that as long as you stick to the target you can choose many ways to get there and propose your own solutions. What surprised me a lot is that, in spite of the quite relaxed atmosphere, everyone is focused on reaching their goals. You can easily combine your personal life with fulfilling your professional career. I would like to continue my journey as a developer here in Divante if there will be such a possibility. What is especially interesting for me is that there are open-source projects like Storefront UI and Vue Storefront. They give you the opportunity to show your engagement. You can learn lots of new things by joining them as a contributor.” – Adam Pawliński. 

Big careers start with an internship in Divante

The stories I just presented draw a clear picture of what is needed to benefit from the internship. When you are learning something or you lack experience, you need wise people around you. Colleagues, who are not only experts but simply good people, ready to help and teach you. All my interlocutors highlight that this was the x-factor for them – the most important thing that helped them to grow in Divante. 

The human approach, the good atmosphere, openness, along with agile culture, tribes and world-leading e-commerce experts. In Divante you can find everything you need to start a career and grow. The first part of development may be an internship. Drop us a message and let us know if you want to know more about our Internship Program in Divante. 

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Published September 24, 2019