Divante Webinar Series picks up early pace with LoveCrafts

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At Divante, we have challenged ourselves to do more during this tough period. That means more work with customers, creating more concepts in our Innovation Lab, and sharing more of our eCommerce knowledge and insight with people around the world. As part of that commitment, we kicked off our brand new Divante Webinar Series last week, in conversation with our guest, Halil Köklü of LoveCrafts.

The first webinar was a topic close to our core: Implementing headless eCommerce – on the real-life case study of LoveCrafts. As the creators of Vue Storefront, the fastest-growing open-source eCommerce front end in the world, headless eCommerce is right in our wheelhouse and we are entirely focused on showing businesses why it is the right direction for their online stores. 

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It’s also a subject that grabbed the attention of our audience. We had nearly 350 tech enthusiasts sign up for the webinar from over 20 countries. And the conversation was clearly stimulating and brought value to business, as those who attended stayed for an average of an hour to hear Divante CTO Piotr Karwatka and Halil Köklü take a deep dive into the process of taking an online business headless. We also had an engaged and lively discussion in the Q&A session, which changed a standard webinar into something in line with the open-source spirit.

If you missed out, we’ve got you covered. There was so much information in the conversation that we have produced a white paper that you can now download for free. You can already catch up with the audio recording at any time by requesting access below:

What insight can you expect?

We discussed every element of the implementation, from due diligence and why Lovecrafts chose to switch to a microservices architecture, through to the specific technologies used in the end solution and how to roll out a solution effectively and plan for future enhancements and expansion.

“Headless Architecture – or as I prefer to call it, API-first technology – is all about serving the business needs.”

“We are shipping to over 200 countries across the globe from a single multi-lingual website. There is no time of the day without traffic.”

Halil Köklü

Webinar #2: Coming soon

We’re committed to giving you one webinar a month going forwards. While we’re not tied down to any topic, the appetite for headless from our first edition convinced us to keep drilling down into that topic for at least one more conversation. This time it will be with Kelly Goetsch of commercetools in our webinar on 7 May at 5 PM. Piotr Karwakta and Kelly will look into the most common eCommerce business problems and discuss solutions, especially focusing on microservices and a headless approach.

Register now via our main webinar landing page, where you can also find out everything you need to know about previous and upcoming editions of our eCommerce conversations: https://divante.com/webinars

Divante presents Click & Collect Accelerator

Published April 28, 2020