A webinar by:

  • shopware
  • Cloudflight_Logo_RGB__RGB Logotype - blue
  • logo partner vue storefront

We see an API approach being taken to eCommerce platforms and related solutions more and more often.

Proper configuration of API is the basis for any successful solution, which is why we wanted to investigate the very core in our webinar with Dominic Klein, a technical architect at Shopware. Dominic is responsible for headless API in Shopware 6, one of the new generation eCommerce platforms available on the market.

Who are the guests of this webinar?

  • DominicKlein_3

    Dominic Klein

    Technical Specialist at Shopware
    Architect with a strong technical background in backend development and database design. Currently building a team of tech experts to expand international relationships and reputation through education. Avid PWA ambassador and architect for complex eCommerce projects.


  • Portret20PKA-1-1

    Piotr Karwatka

    Chief Technology Officer at Divante
    Chief Architect and contributor to Vue Storefront, the first eCommerce Progressive Web App for Magento and Pimcore. Open source passionate who gathers communities around technologies of the future.

    Linkedin | Twitter | Blog

In this webinar, we will look into the most common eCommerce business problems and then take a look at some powerful, actionable solutions. Microservices and a headless approach will be an essential part of our discussion.

We will go through the following topics:

API in a headless approach


The new architecture paradigm


Feature-oriented systems vs architecture-oriented designs


API in Shopware 6 and Shopware PWA


The solution as a Service (SaaS) model


Constructing complementary solutions based on API

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